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About PJ

PJ is a qualified line dance instructor based in Durham, with nearly 30 years experience as both dancer and instructor.  You will also find PJ as compere, resident DJ and dance instructor at several country music festivals and line dance events throughout the year, and PJ also enjoys performing as a solo country artist, performing country music from many acts including Garth Brooks, Tim McGraw, Merle Haggard, Gary Allan, Willie Nelson, Johnny Cash, The Eagles, George Strait and Hal Ketchum to name just a few.  As well as performing traditional and modern country for the listener and social dancer, PJ also has a dedicated up to date set list for line dance venues.  Check out the P J - Artist page to see where he is playing next.


PJ runs weekly line dance classes and regular local events, including Whiskey River Country Music & Dance Club. PJ also hosts regular radio shows on  You can visit his presenter page to find out more about it here.

More from PJ...

For a social night out with friends and family, I went to my first line dancing class back in October 1996 and have been hooked ever since.   I started attending classes five nights a week and in August 1997, went to the very first "Chance To Dance" festival hosted by the Dean Brothers at Harrogate, where I found I had a real passion for this hobby. Not only was I enjoying learning the dances and participating in the classes and festivals, I realised I had an aptitude for explaining the dances and teaching them to others.  A small number of dancers wanted to learn more up to date dances which were popular at festivals so I started teaching one class a week.  Gradually, more people heard of the class and started to come along - that was when I started  teaching more seriously.  I took exams with the Scottish Western Academy Of Dance (SWAD) in March 1998. SWAD has since folded so I am now a member of ELD.   2012 saw the start of my new Country Music & Line Dance club called Redneck CWC based at Belmont in Durham.  I also hosted my first weekend country music festival in 2014 - Phoenix CMF.   Over the years I have taught many classes in different locations.  I now teach two classes a week and run regular live nights, social events, festivals and workshops.  I have a loyal following, with several members of my class having been with me since day one.   As well as being a keen line dancer and instructor, I also choreograph my own dances.  Once of my early dances (Limbo Rock) came first place in a choreography competition ran by SWAD back in 1998 and I have had numerous dances published since. See you on a dance floor somewhere :-)


© 1997-2025 Phoenix Events

Last updated: 28th February 2025

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